Go green with our ecofriendly printer!Focusink LogoGo nuts for our printing!

335 Jefferson SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 (Map) | P: 505-265-3497 | F: 505-266-4538 | F: 505-872-2377 |promo@focusink.com      Union certified printing.


Union Yes (AFL CIO)In addition to offset printing our Xerox DocuColor 240 prints stunning color at 2540 dpi allowing for superior quality postcards at surprisingly reasonable prices. Standard papers include 110# indexed, 80# smooth white, 100# smooth white, 100# Gloss Coated 2 Sides (CS2), 100# matte, 10pt & 12pt Hi Gloss (CS1).  Some sample prices, using 100# Gloss cover are below:

Quantities 50 100 250 500 1000
5.5x4.25 4/black, no bleeds 20  32 74 121 216
6x4, 4/4 w/bleeds 52 68 99 149 278

Prices assume no artwork or file manipulation needed.

For larger quantities and an assortment of different sizes please see our full color, eco-friendly printing pricelist, or submit a request for a quote.