Go green with our ecofriendly printer!Focusink LogoGo nuts for our printing!

335 Jefferson SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 (Map) | P: 505-265-3497 | F: 505-266-4538 | F: 505-872-2377 |promo@focusink.com      Union certified printing.

Green Products

America is waking up to the need to protect our environment. An increasing number of manufacturers are using recycled and renewable materials for their products. Focus Ink encourages customers to "Go Green!" and purchase eco-friendly paper and products. Here is a sample listing of green manufacturers. Watch as this list grows. You will need to find your products and then order directly from us. We have many other sources, but the manufacturers do not have websites.

Great Stuff! is a leader in manufacturing from recycled plastics, whether you need drinkware or coasters.

Morco has some product pages dedicated to "Go Green!" Here's their recycled products page.

Falcon has a neat site that has a lot of wooden type things.

Scrolling LED Name Badges

Scrolling LED Badges

Only $29.95! 

Personalize your name badge with a scrolling message that you can easily change with its simple computer interface. You set the speed and message. One of the best advertising items we've seen!


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