335 Jefferson SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 (Map) | P: 505-265-3497 | F: 505-266-4538 | F: 505-872-2377 |
Eco-Friendly Printing
Print Green-Union Green
You can now get the highest quality printing available on the most eco-friendly press from Focus Ink with our new Presstek DI color process press from Ryobi.
What makes this such a high quality press?
- Printing at 300 lines per inch (magazine grade) produces the smalles dots possible with today's technology. This allows for exceptional detail and photographically smooth color transitions.
- This press is also waterless. This means accuracy, consistency and depth in color as well as producing your job with incredible fidelity without typical color washout or variance.
- Plates are laser etched for remarkable and uniform output.
- Automatic mounting of plates results in perfect registration, every print, every job.
- Very versatile, our press can print on paper thicknesses ranging from onion skin to 20 point cover. (That's as thick as 2 sheets of 100# cover and stiff!)
What makes this press so eco-friendly?
- Waterless printing means no depletion of our water resources and produces no chemically tainted waste water to dispose of.
- Chemistry-free laser plate making reduces reliance on environmental resources and eliminates typical chemical wastes while flawlessly reproducing every detail.
- 90% Reduction of VOCs (Volitile Organic Compounds), linked to global warming and the breakdown of our earth's ozone layer compared to traditional presses.
- 90% less solvents than other presses.
- Soy inks decrease our dependence on petroleum products. This renewable source ink is also less toxic.
- Saves trees with quick set-up. 1 tree for every few jobs!
Other benefits for you:
- Quick set-ups allow for faster production times
- Very cost-effective for small jobs
Print Clean, Print Green, Be Seen...Print Eco-Friendly